Accountability Audit for Sex & Porn Addicts: Jumpstart Your Accountability Program to Resist Urges
Jan 02, 2024
Today, we are going to do an accountability audit. We're first going to learn why accountability is so important. We're going to look. We're in your life now. Accountability exists where it doesn't. We're going to identify what's important to you.
And we're going to provide you with some important tips that you can literally incorporate as soon as you're done listening to improve your accountability game. Accountability. Is. Almost a lot. Accountability is so important. And I'd like to read to you some statistics about accountability. So there was a study done by the Association for Talent Development.
The research has found that individuals have the following probabilities of completing a goal by taking these actions, having an idea or goal, just having it. That gives you a 10% likelihood of completing that goal. If you consciously decide that you are going to achieve that goal, now you're up to 25%. If you decide when you're going to accomplish that goal, you are at 40% if you're planning how to do it. 50%.
Committing to someone else that you will do it 65% having. Here is the punch line, guys. Here's the punch line. We're going to hopefully blow this up for you. So you're going to come out of this listening to this broadcast convinced you have to increase strength in your accountability game. Here it is: having a specific accountability appointment with someone you've committed to accomplishing your goal, increases the chances that you will accomplish that goal by 95%. Let's talk about it.
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